🌾Real Yield

Real Yield is a unique and sustainable way to earn passive income with EcoTool. This feature is backed by real revenue, as it is funded by the fees collected from providing tools and trading activities on the platform. By placing the power of earning back into the hands of our users, we foster a strong sense of community, ownership, and shared success.

With EcoTool Real Yield, users holding the EcoTool project token unlock a world of benefits and rewards. The more tokens held, the greater the proportionate share of the revenue distributed back to the users. The redistribution process is meticulously designed to provide clear visibility and fairness. Each user's rewards are calculated based on their token holdings, ensuring an equitable distribution of revenue every 2 hours.

Let's dive into the details of the Real Yield mechanism using the following example:

At ECO Real Yield, the system takes a snapshot of staking progress and rewards parameters every 2 hours. This means that users have the opportunity to claim their staking rewards every 2 hours. If users do not claim their rewards, they will continue to accumulate over time.

For instance, let's consider a scenario where the total Staking Pool in the Real Yield program is 100,000 $ETO and Bob is staking 1,000 $ETO, which is equivalent to 1% of the total Staking Pool.

Assume that the Revenue Share assigned to the Real Yield Sharing program is 1 ETH, 100 DOGE, and 100 PEPE -> Bob's staking rewards will be 0.01 ETH, 1 DOGE, and 1 PEPE.

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